Thursday, October 2, 2008

the green booger's last ride

I'm a slacker, I know. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I've been really sick again, this time accompanied by dizziness, near fainting, etc. I won't bore you all with details, but this happened when I was pregnant with Bailey. I was hoping since it didn't happen with Benz, it wouldn't be a problem this time. It must be something about them girl babies. Needless to say, I'm counting down the days until this project is finished...which is tentatively set for December 2 or 3. Until then, I'm grounded at home on days I don't feel good, and thank heavens for my mother-in-law. Warden, I promise to take really good care of you when you are old and feeble. And my Sister-in-laws...I promise to take really good care of you guys and take your kids when you are pregnant the next time. You ladies have all been life savers and I'm so lucky to have you. I can't say thank-you enough.

To add to the madness, Brandon's car (1997 Green Honda Civic), which I not-so-affectionately named "The Green Booger" (thanks, Sarah!) started acting up again. This car has been a thorn in my side since about 2 months after we bought it (2.5 years ago). It has never been dependable, and we have put more money into than we paid for it. During the last two weeks, it was in and out of the shop 3 times. The last straw was that The Green Booger died on the middle of Hwy 290 (the worst in Houston) during rush hour, while Brandon was on his way back to work. He made it to work, but then got a ride home from the tow truck. With everything going on and Brandon back in school, we said enough was enough, and went and bought a brand-new (our first NEW car, ever!) 2008 Hyundai Elantra for Brandon. He really likes it, and we are SO glad to have 2 good, reliable cars! (by the pronounce Hyundai, like SUNDAY)


Sarah said...

The original "gray booger" was a Hyundai - it had been used & abused like no other car (wouldn't even be legal in the US), but ran like a champ!

Kate said...

We need pictures!