Sunday, March 9, 2008

floppy gums, and a girl puppy

"You got teeth in that floppy mouth of yours, or just gums?!?"
(from the movie, Babe)
I took Benson in for his 12month Check-up, and he's tiny! He's 18lbs 11oz (which is up a pound from two weeks ago) and he's 28.5 inches....which puts him in the 3% for weight and height! He's completely opposite of his sister, she was always at the top of the charts, and he's always been at the bottom. He doesn't look so small, because he's proportionately small all over. Hopefully now that he 's finally sleeping and feeling better, he'll start growing. In the mean time, the doctor told me to nurse him when ever I can, including the middle of the night. ugh.
Oh, and Benson finally has a tooth! (for real this time). No more 'floppin gums'! His bottom left tooth has poked up thru the gums, and he's getting another one right next to it! Not to be out done, his little cousin, Laura (only 5.5 months old!), got the very same tooth the very same day!!!

What can I say, Snow Buddies has gone to her head. Bailey really thinks/wishes she was a dog sometimes. Brandon rigged up Benson's truck and to make her a 'sled' to pull.


Brianne & Jarod said...

That is hysterical!!! Bailey cracks me up..and I needed to smile. Perfect time to post the picture :)I can't believe how SMALL little Benz is. Isaac weighed 16.1 at his 5 month...I am excited for them to be good buds!

Kate said...

I think you need a REAL puppy, now that Benson is sleeping through the night. ;)