We (the kids and I, and Becky and her kids) went to the Houston Rodeo and Livestock Show yesterday. It totally lived up to it's claim to fame...the biggest rodeo and livestock show in the world. The livestock show (we didn't do the rodeo part) was never-ending. We were there for 3 hours and only saw about 1/10th of it! I've never seen so much livestock all in one place. (The show is at the Old and New Reliant Center/Astrodomes) Surprisingly, it was REALLY clean, and didn't smell too bad either. The kids had a blast, and were such troopers. Gavin and Bay had a fun time at the petting zoo (I was too busy chasing them to take pics) and seeing all the exhibits (highlights...petting rabbits, feeding baby lambs and goats, and cotton candy) and Laynie (5 weeks!) slept the ENTIRE time in the Snugli, and Benson hung out happily in the stroller the ENTIRE time!! Going to the Rodeo/Livestock show is the big event of the spring around here, and a must see if you're a true Texan. It was totally exhausting, but very fun. I'm so glad to have Becky to on adventures with (and trust me, driving anywhere in Houston is an adventure, especially when you add 4 kids to the mix!). I couldn't ask for a better sister-in-law, or FRIEND!
Something about this picture reminds me of my life.
Even the long-horns have bling in Texas.
(it was actually for protection)
The 'livestock' were all primped up...they sell for lots of $$. We saw some getting 'blow dried' and brushed. We also saw some that would make beautiful couches. :P
The kids really wanted to go on the pony rides, but while we were waiting in line, we realized we'd have to go wait in another line for tokens, and then wait again. We were all to tired, but the kids were SO sad. So instead we gave them a 'ride' on the foot massaging chairs. They thought it was a BLAST! Bailey said it was one of her favorite parts.
* I didn't get any pictures of Becky or Laynie, check out the "J.Wallace's" blog, should have some soon.

I know this is probably in poor taste, but they sell all sorts of interesting products at a Livestock show. 'nuff said.