Wednesday, November 28, 2007

this one's for the grandparents

Here are some videos of the kids doing thier latest "tricks." I'm warning you that I'm NOT a cinematographer or anything close. I don't know how to edit out the boring parts or filter or anything like that. If you're not one of the Grandparents, you might be bored (but you'd better not tell me if you are, or I might have to ban you from the blog! :)) As for my family that hasn't seen Benson in action in 6-9 months...I hope you find it amusing. Don't cry, Guh L! :) :( As you can see, Benson can wave and play "Patty Cake," but is easily distracted by 'beautiful' or 'interesting' things, like the polka dots on the high chair. His new thing is his "cheesey face" or "scrunchy face." It's SO cute, and he's such a ham. He will be 9 months old on Saturday, and he's finally getting his first tooth (Bailey got her first one at 5 months!), which is a bottom EYE tooth...he's going to have a little jack-o-lantern smile! How cute is that? Bailey LOVES the movie Annie and has all the songs memorized, and sings them all day long. The funny thing is, most of the time she gets 'stuck' singing "Tomorrow" and doesn't know how to end it. She just keeps saying "...tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow..." over and over again. :) And she's not at all camera shy.


Brianne & Jarod said... could I get bored with those kids? Benson is the cutest little HAM ever, and Bailey is stinkin' hillarious! I could watch those two all day. I can't believe he is nine does time go by fast or what? I am going to buy Bailey a red wig and an eye patch for Christmas. (why you ask?) So she can play pirates and Annie and the same time..he he he Love your stinkin' guts!

L3 said...

I did cry, anyway. Those were so CUTE! I can't believe how much I miss them, and it isn't getting easier. Tell Bailey to sing the name game song to Benson, so he'll know it.

JackieB said...

LOL. What silly kids. love it. Benson was like "if i do that face will you stop with the camera?!"

Amma said...

I don't even know these kids and love them! What hams Miss Bay and Benson are (And no, I wasn't bored in the least!)

Kate said...

Those are so cute! What a couple of hams. After watching this video, I can't believe how much Brody looks and sounds like Bay! I'll have to try and get a video!