Here are some of the milestones from our week...Bailey got her first trophy, which ended a very fun soccer season (pictured with Coach Chip). Thursday starts T-Ball! I was hoping for a week off, but no. Benson can now sit endlessly with out being propped and rarely falling over. He's so cute. He just sat on a blanket and played all thru Primary yesterday. What a difference a week makes! Last week he'd fall over after about 30 seconds! This week he sat for 30 minutes! He was growling at his toys and making the kids (and adults) laugh, so I then had to take him out for a while.
Bailey looks like a mini-Looli in that picture!
You should get a video clip of Benz growling at the toys! Does he like the exersaucer yet?
He LOVES the Exersaucer, aka the Poop Machine!
I like how Benson's feet and toes are turned in towards the toy. Too cute!
I'm so glad i ran across your email with the invite to your blog. WOO HOO! I'll be a regular checker from now on. :)
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