Thursday, November 6, 2008

a woman possessed

What do you do when you are home bound? You become a woman possessed. Possessed by crafting.
I had my Lady-in-laws (mother, sisters, & aunt-in laws) over on Monday for a Crafting Day. It was our ward's "Terrific Tuesday" (aka: Craft Mania) a few weeks ago, and we all had unfinished projects left to do. These picture boards are the craft I did (there is also one for Benson, it's blue with a more 'manly' font, but he's always sleeping when I have the time to take a picture). I also taught the ladies how to do hair bows (thanks, Guh, for getting the clippies, and Becky M for the cute soccer ribbon-Bay's favorite)...
These are just SOME of the bows I have done. It's become my latest obsession. It's so fun, cheap, and easy, and Bailey loves having hair bows to match EVERY single outfit. (I can't imagine where she gets the obsessive matching from?!?!) :)

1 comment:

simply jami said...

Too cute! You did a great job on your bows. You are oh so crafty! I just wish I could get inspired to finish the projects I started. Someday, right?