Thursday, June 19, 2008

poke me in the poodies*, I'm a walkin'!

*poodies/poodyhoos: the chubby, squishy, only-cute-on-a-baby thighs.*

Benson was sad most of the evening tonight after being poked in the poodies at the Dr. (vaccines). But leave it to 'Bubba' (no we haven't lived in TX too long, it's how Benson says,'Bailey') to get Benz laughing hysterically. He also decided to show off his sweet new walking skills (which he is very selective about doing). Don't laugh at my cinematography skills.

And yes, they are both wearing Halloween jammies. Right now those are the only ones that fit Benson from the hand-me-down box (he gets mad when I put him in footed jammies, because his tiny little feet get all tangled up and he can't walk). Bailey wanted to match him, so she wore her Halloween "bed dress" (nightgown). Her favorite jammies are 'bed dresses' that Guh L. makes for her. (She must get the 'bed dress' thing from Guh L, because I can't stand wearing nightgowns!)


Amma said...

Loved the video!! Both Bailey and Benson are absolutely adorable and Beson has the most infectious laugh--what a wonderful way to start my morning! Hugs and Kisses to each and every one of you from South Dakota!

Brianne & Jarod said... careful when using the term POODYHOO...yesterday I was saying it to Isaac in the store, and I got the weirdest look from one of the workers..I hope it didn't mean something in his native language. YIKES!!!!

I am happy that Bailey can have such educational experiences at my house. I mean...who wouldn't want to learn about PUKE? Ugh, sorry :)

LOVE LOVE LOVE Benz's laugh. I could listen to it all day long :)

Kate said...

Benz's laugh cracks me up!

JackieB said...

His laugh is awesome!