Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
poke me in the poodies*, I'm a walkin'!
*poodies/poodyhoos: the chubby, squishy, only-cute-on-a-baby thighs.*
Benson was sad most of the evening tonight after being poked in the poodies at the Dr. (vaccines). But leave it to 'Bubba' (no we haven't lived in TX too long, it's how Benson says,'Bailey') to get Benz laughing hysterically. He also decided to show off his sweet new walking skills (which he is very selective about doing). Don't laugh at my cinematography skills.
And yes, they are both wearing Halloween jammies. Right now those are the only ones that fit Benson from the hand-me-down box (he gets mad when I put him in footed jammies, because his tiny little feet get all tangled up and he can't walk). Bailey wanted to match him, so she wore her Halloween "bed dress" (nightgown). Her favorite jammies are 'bed dresses' that Guh L. makes for her. (She must get the 'bed dress' thing from Guh L, because I can't stand wearing nightgowns!)
Monday, June 16, 2008
happy father's day!
and the trophy goes to....
Friday, June 13, 2008
wheelchairs for non-walkers
Yesterday I took Bailey to Target, and we always have to get a slushy and popcorn in the cafe after. She was sitting there quietly munching, when she told me with all the sincerity and concern of a four-year-old big sister's heart, "Maybe if Benson doesn't start walking soon, we should get him a wheel-chair." I couldn't help but laugh. It was too cute. But she didn't really laugh right away. I had to reassure her that he can walk, he just doesn't like to, and someday soon he will be running after her (and then she'll wish that he DIDN'T walk!).
As for his walking, he will take up to 10-15 steps at a time, only if we beg him "to show me the big boy!" and follow-up by lots of applause and cheers. 15.5 months.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
new wheels
What's cuter than cute? Size 2/3 baby 'CROCs'! Benson has the tiniest feet, so tiny that even though he has a HUGE box full of hand-me-down shoes, none of them fit. He has just been going barefoot...partly because he loves to rip his shoes off as soon as we get in the car, and nothing fits. Since he's starting to walk, I decided I better find some shoes. He loves his new shoes. Whenever I put them on he just sits and looks at them and wiggles his little feet around in wonderment.
PS: If any of you mom's of little ones out there haven't tried the 'CROC' style of shoes for your kids...they are a MUST. They are the best play shoes ever! No big deal if they get wet or muddy, they rinse right off! And if you live in a warm climate, they can wear them year round, or now you can get the "mammoths" (sherpa lined CROCS)! I've even paid $$ for the real deal (which actually do fit skinny little feet better than the cheapos, but I still get cheapos too), and it's totally worth the $$. Best of all there is a CROC outlet about 15 minutes from my house!
helping hands
tupperware parties, tea parties, and repairs