Sunday, April 19, 2009

4 months

Poor Bryn. She's definitely a third child, seeing as it has been nearly three weeks since she turned 4 months, and I'm just now getting to post it. And I forgot to take a picture of her on her 4 month birthday. (That was a really bad week...Benson broke his collar bone, I had a bad cold, and Bryn got pink eye.)
So here it is...
SHE is absolutely adorable and TINY! She weighed 11lbs 11oz at her check-up (10%) and 24.5 inches long (50%). For comparison...Bailey was 16.5lbs and Benson was 14 lbs at their 4 month check-ups! (Bailey weighed more than 11lbs at 6weeks!)
The doctor was a little concerned about her 'immature muscle tone' (aka: still a floppy headed ninny muggins that wouldn't roll over). He referred me to Neurology and Physical Therapy. After crying, and feeling like the worst mom ever for neglecting my child, I threw the phone numbers away and gave Bryn some tummy time, and then some more tummy time, and then put her in the Bumbo seat, followed by more tummy time. The next day she rolled over. I guess I've been 'spoiling' her too much and I just carry her around on my shoulder all day long. She now holds her head up like a champ (by the way, her head measured in the 75%, which is a lot of head to hold up for a 10% body size!) and supports a little more of her body when I try to stand/sit her up.
I think that she is the most PERFECT baby ever and I couldn't have asked for a better one. She's so pleasant and charming, laid back and easy going, and a great sleeper! She's pretty content with whatever comes her way or whatever the day may bring. She's an absolute blessing and joy in our home and hearts and I couldn't imagine our lives without her. She is the best thing I never knew I needed.
Sunday best. (I have to take her pictures on the changing table unless I want other little monkeys jumping in the picture!)
The secret and magic combination for Bryn's great sleep...
1. Head pushed up in the corner to feel secure.
+2. Blanket swaddled tighter than a straight jacket.
+3. Binky plugged in and tucked under the straight jacket to keep from falling out.


L3 said...

I happen to favor Floppy-Headed Ninny Muggins! As far as the straight jacket to help her sleep: if she didn't sleep, YOU would need the straight jacket.

Amma said...

"She is the best thing I never knew I needed." I'm bawling...what a beautiful comment on your beautiful Bryn! She and Ayla are in the same percentile...Ayla is gaining weight up to 21 lbs with her clothes 18 months. She loves all fruits and vegetables, rarely interested in meat and doesn't slow down long enough to eat much of anything.

Brianne & Jarod said...

Hey do you want my swaddle blankets? Those are GREAT!! I am surprised she doesn't wiggle out of those blankets!