Thursday, August 21, 2008

I like....

Remember in the 70's when Elton John wore the oversized purple sparkly glasses? Benson loves to wear Bailey's sunglasses, and all he can find lately are the "Elton John" style ones.

Look closely and you can see how his teeth are coming in all out of order. (crooked smile). This picture is about a week old, and his teeth are even further down now, and it's hilarious. Also hilarious, Benson likes...


He kept begging for the lemon wedges at dinner (we had Rhom?Schnitzel, and you squirt the lemons over the top). I finally gave him one, thinking it would be funny to watch the reaction. Joke's on us...he LOVED them. He sucked on/gummed thru the wedges of 1/2 of a large lemon. He couldn't get enough of it. (The video is really long to prove my point that it wasn't just a one time thing.) I guess I should have known. In Utah, he ate dill pickles dipped in HOT BBQ sauce at the Sowards (Brandon's family) reunion dinner. Also goes to show, that there aren't many foods that Benson won't eat.


Amma said...

My mouth puckered up just watching Benson suck all that lemon juice out! It's great that you have the video--years from now when you tell him the story, he'll never believe you!

L3 said...

I loved hearing the sucking and lip-smacking noises while eating. He was very instense about it! I liked Bailey's side comments, too.

Kate said...

That's how Brody was, too!