Thursday, August 21, 2008


I think she's allergic to cats.
We went over to our neighbors, and they have a new kitten. The kitten is very cuddly and Bailey loved it. A little too much. She always gets sneezy/itchy/runny after playing with cats. And she has played with cats since she was a baby with no serious after effects. Apparently, though she has developed her Dad's severe allergic reaction to them now. After about 20 minutes at our neighbors, her eye was huge and swollen, and she was covered in hives, head to toe. Her eye had these weird white bumps all over too, like cellulite. The picture doesn't do justice. She got repeated doses of Benadryl and that helped clear it up. She is really sad that she can't play with cats any more.


Amma said...

Poor Bay--I feel so sad for her because little kitties are so cuddly and cute. Good news for Mommy though--you'll never have to worry about breaking down and letting a kitten into your house, no matter how much the children PROMISE they'll do all the work of feeding the cleaning the litter box (been there, done that!) As a well seasoned Mommy, I think that cat allergies extend to hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits, birds and dogs--just wish I'd known that before we tried all those other things out!

Kate said...

Reminds me of when Lucy's eye got stung by a bee. :) Tell Bay that story!

Kate said...

PS- You need to post a belly picture!