August 4, 2003
Orem, Utah
August 4, 2008
Cypress, Texas
Size: 44.5 inches, 43 lbs
Hair: Blonde, shoulder length
Eyes: Bright blue, with cute "sprinkles" (freckles) around them, and across her nose
Favorite Color: 1st- Red, 2nd Blue. Prefers NO PINK!
Favorite things: Dogs! Playing with friends and cousins, babies (real ones, not dolls), coloring, playing outside, swimming, computer games.
New Favorites: Webkinz and Littlest Pet Shop (both b-day presents)
Things She can do: Snap, Read simple books, sound out new words, spell everyone in the family's names, count to 100 by 1's and 10's, help her brother and younger cousins (whether they want it or not!).
Favorite Foods: "Chicken SaFan" (chicken divan), Chicken Florentine, "Sabetti" (spaghetti), chicken nuggets, strawberries and cream oatmeal, doughnuts, Nacho Cheese Doritos, rootbeer, Sprite, "reindeer poops" (skittles...long story).
I just can't believe how big my baby girl is getting. The time has gone so fast, but in someways, it seem like forever ago that she was born. I can't imagine life without her, and it's hard to remember life before her. I'm amazed at what a sweet, talented, and smart little girl she's growing up to be. We're so lucky to have her. Happy 5th Birthday, Bailey. We love you more than you'll ever know!
Breakfast with Guh W. at IHOP, followed by shopping for school (preschool) clothes.
Benson LOVES corn on the cob! We had a gourmet dinner of Bailey's dogs, corn on the cob, Doritos, and root beer. I made a layered salad for the adults, too. Guh and Papa Wallace, and Uncle Jamie came over to dinner.

Bailey chose to have Rice Krispy Treats and Ice Cream for dessert (she doesn't like cake). Benson tried all day to reach the Krispy Cake off the table.
To think I was worried I wasn't going to love her, after watching your delivery five years ago. Silly Guggie!
This made me cry, even without the music.
I can't believe she's already 5, either. Seems like it was just yesterday we watched you being gutted and saw her come out shaking her fist at the world!
Happy Birthday, sweet Bailey! You're our favorite Texas niece/cousin.
Aunt Kate & Brody
PS- I forgot what a blockhead she was when she was born! :)
Who loves ya?
Papa, you bet.
I really do. We had so much fun at our house. We'll get donuts when I come in December.
I'm glad I only became granpa!!! once.
Love ya,
Lovely tribute to your first born, Looli. She is so grown up--time passes so quickly! Please give Bailey a belated birthday hug from me!
Gosh I love her so much!
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