So sorry it has been so long since I've posted...here's what we've been up to.
1. We all contracted a HORRIBLE cold (going on 2 weeks now, 4 for Bailey). Our lungs probably grew mold like everything else here in Houston does. Hopefully we will all recover soon. Luckily, Benson didn't get it too much.
2. We've decided to redecorate and are trying out how the refrigerator looks in our entry way, and two tables in our dining room seems much more functional. Not really. We had the worlds crappiest tile (beautiful, but crappy quality) in our kitchen, example: Bailey dropped a MAGNET, it chipped the floor. The builder had already replaced 10 individual chipped tiles, and in two months we had another 15 that needed to be replaced. I insisted that they just replace the entire floor with a totally different kind of tile that was more durable. After months of harassing they finally came out and did it. Actually it was the irate and threatening phone call I made after our sewer lines had backed up for the SECOND time in one week, and the yard was dug up for the SECOND time, that finally got things done. (I learned from the best, thanks, Dad!) It looks great now, everything is just covered in about 1inch of dust. Oh, and our fridge is still in the hall, until another set of workers decides to come replace the floor mouldings. Fun times. (remind me never to buy new construction again!)
3. In the middle of this maddness, the battery on my van died. In order to squeeze more money out of us, Chevy put the battery under the fuse box and radiator braces, where only specialized mechanics can get it. And the battery is about 3 times the price of a regular one, PLUS labor, because it is so difficult. Nice.4. Benson remains a "Small Fry" (that is what I said the first time I saw him!). He is nine months old, and weighs 16lbs, 130z (7th Percentile!), and 28 inches (50%), and his head is only in the 25%! (That is SO rare for Leseberg genetics!) He looks plump, but it's all fluff! He loves food, and loves to eat, but I guess since he never sleeps (my last blog entry cursed it! he hasn't slept since!) he never has the chance to grow. He continues to make us laugh...and as you hear in the video, he has a funny little happy laugh when he really likes something or is excited about something...especially ice-cream.
5. See below for an update on Bailey.
I love the sharkie do!
Definitely his dad's kid with that love of ice cream!
that video is sooo FUNNY! Benson is such a ham with one wild scream! Jarod and I cracked up watching the video. Thanks so much for posting it!
p.s. when are you going to start writing a book..you are so witty!
At least you didn't find a stinky burrito in your closet...
No, we just have a burrito/taco truck that drives by all day long, starting at 7:00am!
Hahahaha... you have a Roach Coach! We have one that comes by the hospital every day at lunch. I hear the food is good, but I'm wary.
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