Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ho ho humbug!

Brandon took this entire week off (woo-hoo!), and we went and got pictures with Santa at the Mall today. I have to say, I was totally unimpressed. I've seen much better Santa attractions, that are much friendlier and cheaper! This Santa was COMPLETELY LAME! He didn't even ask the kids what they wanted! He didn't even say "hi!" Bailey was a little confused, so she just told him what she wanted (a trampoline and "Ratatouille") and the Santa said, "Oh." !!!!!!! I was SO mad! He's on my naughty list!

We also saw "Baby Isaac," our newest Wallace cousin/nephew, for the first time today (check out the "STEWART SCOOP" link!). He's super cute and cuddly! Bailey ADORES him! She got to hold him several times. Now she's asking when we can see Baby Laura?, our newest Leseberg cousin/niece (who is just 2 weeks older than Isaac!). Whenever she sees pictures of her or Isaac, Bailey says, "I wonder what her hands feel like. She looks so soft." (Bailey has a thing for baby hands and grown-up feet!)


Kim said...

That is a picture that will smiles on your faces forever. Merry Christmas and give the kids a big hug for me. You guys take care.


Kate said...

We've never taken Brody to see Santa, isn't that awful? We tried this year, but the wait was 90 minutes. Uh, no thank you! Besides, he's way more into snowmen than Santa. According to him, it's Snowman who brings presents, not Santa!

JackieB said...

WOW! That's a bad Santa!