Wednesday, March 4, 2009

yard boy

We've been having a debate in our house since Brandon started school...should we hire someone to mow the yard every week? It's pretty inexpensive here, but Brandon is sure he has the time to do it (he really doesn't). But I got one anyway...:)

Benson got this bubble mower for his birthday, and he L-O-V-E's it! He 'mows' the grass for hours while we play outside. If anyone even dares touch his mower, he'll scream at them. When I got it out of the box, he watched our neighbor across the street mowing his lawn. Then he got the mower and did the exact same thing...followed the outline of the yard, and pivoted at the corners. It is the funniest/cutest thing to watch.

See how Bryn "hangs out" outside, and more cuteness from Benson...


L3 said...

I'll hire that yard boy at twice whatever you are paying. And all the Capri Sun he can drink, and bubbles, too. Apparently, this is very serious work. I think you may be violating some child labor laws. . . .

Brianne & Jarod said...

That has to be the cutest video I have ever seen! Guess that toy will def. have to be hidden when Ike comes over to avoid WWF wrestling match between the two of them! CUTE posts Loo! Sure missed you guys this week!

Becky Wallace said...

Oh! When did he get so big! It makes me want to cry! Love it!