No one can get Bryn to 'talk' quite like Bay. They love each other so much. I love how they just gaze at each other.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
mother gooney bird
Last Thursday was Mom's Day at Bailey's preschool. This is one of the songs they performed for us. It was really fun to go see her at school. After, her and I went to lunch (just the two of us, "like a date."), and then brought lunch home to Guh and Benson. It was fun to have some time alone with her.
Bailey and Miss Lindsay (her 'favorite' teacher).
rodeo round-up

Benson was a little too little to sit in the tractor...he kept slipping off the seat and bonking his head on the steering wheel.

And of course...the highlight of any festival/carnival/etc. is the FOOD. If you love BBQ, they have every kind. The kids, of course, wanted chicken nuggets. Benson tried Dippin' Dots ice-cream for the first time and LOVED it. Just look at my stroller now, and you can tell.
strike a pose
Reverently now.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
yard boy
We've been having a debate in our house since Brandon started school...should we hire someone to mow the yard every week? It's pretty inexpensive here, but Brandon is sure he has the time to do it (he really doesn't). But I got one anyway...:)
Benson got this bubble mower for his birthday, and he L-O-V-E's it! He 'mows' the grass for hours while we play outside. If anyone even dares touch his mower, he'll scream at them. When I got it out of the box, he watched our neighbor across the street mowing his lawn. Then he got the mower and did the exact same thing...followed the outline of the yard, and pivoted at the corners. It is the funniest/cutest thing to watch.
See how Bryn "hangs out" outside, and more cuteness from Benson...
3 months old
Monday, March 2, 2009
happy birthday, guh leseberg!
Happy Birthday, Guh Leseberg! We miss and love you lots!
btw: it took a little long to post this because we had to run outside and watch the trash truck go by! We heard it early enough that we got to watch it do the ENTIRE street. Good times had by all! So next time you see a trash truck...think of Benson! (Maybe on Thursday I'll take my camera out for the excitement!)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
totally two

Ooops!, I didn't start recording until we finished the song. Benson did a good job of blowing out the candle and a good job of leaving a puddle of drool on the cake. Teething is hard!
Listen carefully amidst all the other noise and you can hear Bryn 'talking' to her fish. She loves this chair, which we have dubbed, THE MAGICAL POOPING CHAIR. Anytime I put her in it, she immediately poops...and I mean POOPS! It goes everywhere! We've had this chair for the other two kids and it's never quite had this effect on them. But it works great for Bryn. If she's fussy and has a tummy ache I put her in the chair and she'll poop and feel instantly better. She quiets right down as soon as I put her in the chair. If we don't hear the explosion, she'll let us know when she's done by crying.