Sunday, January 4, 2009

good bye, guh and papfa

We were so lucky to have my parents come visit and help during December. My mom stayed for 3 weeks, and my Dad came for the last 10 days of her stay. It was so nice to have their help! The three weeks went by way too fast, and we've all had a little bit of Guh/Papfa withdrawal the last few days. (They went home on Tuesday). I was able to get a lot of rest while they were here, and pretty much didn't have to do anything but care for the new baby, and now I've hit the ground running (after kids). I hope they know just how much we appreciated and loved having them here. Seeing them always reminds me just how much I really miss them. We love you Guh and Papfa Leseberg!
Guh and Benson at Bailey's Preschool Christmas Program. (I think Bailey was the only one there with TWO Grandmas, instead of two parents!) I don't know if this was much of a vacation for Guh. She pretty much worked her buns off while she was here- cooking, cleaning, running errands, all while chasing after Bailey and Benson and occasionally getting to hold Bryn, too (the other kids didn't give her much time to have with the baby, except in the evenings). I'm sure Guh has gone home and collapsed from exhaustion and withdrawal. :)
When "Papfa" (as Benson now calls him) wasn't taking Bailey to get doughnuts, or playing ball with Benson, he could be found like this. I'm pretty sure Bryn knew Papfa's heartbeat by the end. We'll miss you guys!


L3 said...

I had a WONDERFUL time - we've missed you guys so much. I think the Utah friends/family are getting tired of hearing about Houston/Bay/Benz/Ninny Muggins/Looli/Brandon etc. I think of you every minute of the day, wondering what you are doing and how things are going.

Kelly P said...

Oh this post made me cry. Not sure why. Aren't moms and dads wonderful?

Hope all is well.


Amma said...

What a wonderful tribute to your Mom and Dad, Elizabeth!

JackieB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JackieB said...

your parents are great!

*that was me that deleted that comment*