Benson turned 18 months this week, which meant he went to nursery by himself for the first time this past Sunday. He went by himself with minimal tears. He was shy and snugly to the teacher at first, but as soon as the toys (balls) came out, he was good. He was a little sad at pick-up time because he was the last one to be picked up, but overall he did much better than I thought.

Playing with the kitchen set at Nursery. He loves this toy, but not as much as the basketball hoop and Little People Garage.
23.7 lbs (25%...WOO-HOO...he's not at the bottom anymore!)
32.5 inches (50%...again...moved up significantly since 15 months)
His head is only in the 50%....Whoo-HOO! His body is catching up to the head!
Food: any kind, as fast as you can. Favorites: nuggets, "keekees" (cookies), chocolate milk (only the store bought, whole milk variety. SPOILED), apples, 'nannas' (bananas), grapes, any kind of citrus fruit, and celery, Gold Fish, Baby Yogurt puffs, and Slurpees. Really, he eats just about everything.
Books: "Go Dog. Go.," "Good Night Moon," "Good Dog, Carl," "I love Cats." "DOG" (at guh's)
Toys: Green Wrench from the toy tool set, cars (loves going to Guhs, Gavin's or Nursery to play with the car garages and ramps), BALLS ! He can find or spot a ball (including basketball hoops or any 'ball' equipment) from far away, anywhere we go.
Also likes: Playing piano with mom, or sitting under my legs and playing cars while I practice.
Can throw a ball like a 15 year old boy.
Knows about 20+ words.
Uses two words together.
Communicates what he wants.
Follows simple instructions...Loves to throw things in the trash!
Folds his arms for prayers and says "MEN!" (amen) at the end.
Recognizes (before we tell him), and gets excited when we are going to Guh's house or Gavin's.
Animal sounds: Dog, Puppy, (dog woofs, puppy pants!), Cat, Cow, Monkey, Duck, Sheep, Fish, Old Lady ("The quiet old lady whispering, 'hush'" from "Good Night Moon").
It's so smart for 18 months! Wish it was reading wombat and flamingo books with me often. :| *sigh* I just have to get all my loves 2-3 times a year, I suppose.
What a smart boy! We miss you guys.
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