Look very carefully at this picture....notice anything?? Benson's feet are actually off of the ground as he's reaching into the toy basket for something. There's a reason why I don't dump the basket out for him (besides the fact that it's HILARIOUS to see this), if I dump it out or even tip it on its side, that apparently is an invitation for Benson to turn it up side down and stand on top. He also likes to push that his big truck (bottom right corner) over to our ottoman and use it as a ladder to climb up and stand/crawl atop the ottoman. He's learning how to stand on his own, with out holding onto something, and he loves to practice it EVERYWHERE. He has no fear of heights or dangerous situations. But sneeze too loudly, and he'll collapse into a fit of inconsolable tears.

His new favorite obsession is this clear plastic cup. He loves to 'fill' it up with things (as seen trying to put a squeaky fish in it) and see what will fit in it(When things don't fit, he gets very MAD!). He also loves to roll it around (while it's filled) to see the things rolling around in it. All I can think is, he'd have a blast with a hamster ball.
Cute shirt- Garanimals from WalMart? I got the same one for Brody when he was here!
PS- Just wait til Guh sends all your Christmas presents in a HUGE box... Benson will love it. Brody actually FELL IN the box one year.
What a little discoverer...I LOVE the feet hanging out of the basket. SOOO CUTE!! (p.s. are you doing swim lessons again this summer??)
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