Benson went this morning and got tubes (or 'straws' as Bailey says) put in his ears. He has had 6 ear infections since last October. When I took him to the ENT two weeks ago, he flunked one of his hearing tests because of all the fluid in his ears. We are guessing these ear problems are also the reason for him not sleeping at night. The procedure was really fast. They had to put him 'under,' but from the time the nurse took him until we could go see him again, was literally less than 20 minutes. He was SO sad/mad when he woke up from the anesthesia. After I nursed him, got all the wires off of him and we got out of the recovery room, he was pretty much back to himself. The hospital where we had it done requires the patient to be wheeled out in a wheel chair, so I had to sit in the wheel chair with Benson on my lap. He thought it was really fun. We took him home and he took a big nap and seems back to normal. Hopefully this will be the miracle we've been praying for.

The funniest part of it all (besides the baby hospital gown they made him wear) was they brought us his binky out in a "BIO HAZARD" bag! (They let him take his lovies in with him for the surgery.)

The funniest part of it all (besides the baby hospital gown they made him wear) was they brought us his binky out in a "BIO HAZARD" bag! (They let him take his lovies in with him for the surgery.)
1 comment:
The picture of him in the gown is the cutest thing I've ever seen!
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