Saturday, January 19, 2008

i wanna play!

I have to keep my blinds pulled up so that someone doesn't use them as a toy or a teething mechanism (although he is 10.5 months old and NO signs of any teeth!! previous blog was a false alarm). Benson likes to look out the window, especially when Bailey is out playing. This time, Bailey and Dad were out playing catch and Benson really wanted to join! He was babbling quite loudly at them through the window and pounding on the glass. He even went and got his own ball to play with. It was too cute! The view from the other side was even cuter....

"I wanna play!!"

Versatile toys are worth their weight in gold! This one used to be a playmat, and it converts into a tunnel for older babies. Benson has LOVED this toy so much, and it has entertained him so well! It is a lifesaver! Thank you, Uncle Bob and Aunt Sarah!

Benson discovered the kitchen cupboards this week. He actually discovered this cabinet (the only safe, unlocked one) during piano lessons, and it kept him entertained for the entire hour I was teaching! He loves hearing all the plastic plates bang and bounce on the tile. When he gets bored with the cupboard, he then goes over to the fridge or stove to see his reflection and give 'the baby in the fridge' some "kisses" (slobber, slobber) and feel the cold metal on his face. It's entertaining for all.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Benson is SO CUTE! I could just eat him up.