Monday, January 7, 2008

happy new year

In an effort to start the New Year off nicely, we don't tell Bailey about staying up until midnight on New Years Eve. Sadly, this may be the last year for that, but hopefully since she still won't be in school next year, we can eek out another year of normal bedtimes. But, don't feel bad for her, as you can see from the picture, she got to party like it was 1999. Our neighbors had all sorts of fun only-legal-in-Texas-fireworks, and a BBQ. She and I partied until the wee hour of 7:45pm, and then came in (we were freezing our bummers off!). Oh, and thanks to Guh L. for the fancy jacket. Bailey saw these in Wal-Mart and thought they were SO beautiful. oh, boy. We call it her "Michael Jackson" jacket.

Benson partied like it was 1973 in his baby bag, going to bed around 8pm (although the fireworks outside his window until 1:30am made it difficult for him to sleep). This little red blanket contraption is from Guh W. and is older than Brandon. It's like a quilt that was made into a sleeping bag of sorts. I first mocked it. It looks very 1970's Relief Society Homemaking project-ish. But when Benson would wake up in the middle of the night as a little icicle, I decided to try it out. Combine retro bed-in-a-bag; super-soft blanket from Memaw; and the ever faithful monkey lovey, and we have baby cryptonite.

Party like it's 7:30 p.m. (Story time in the 'ninny chair')
And in blogging tradition here are some of my resolutions (besides the usual 'healthy living' one):
1. No more caffeine. I'm so sad. I have a not-so-secret love affair with Cherry Coke/Pepsi. Going without caffeine would be much easier if I had a baby that slept thru the night. Now I know what you are thinking...if I didn't drink coke, maybe he'd sleep better. Well, I was religious about not drinking caffeine while nursing for 14 months with Bailey, and for the first 6-7 months with Benson. But when you have a 6 month old that still wakes up every two hours to nurse at night, and doesn't nap during the day, you get a little desperate for something to keep you going. ("Don't you judge me!") I figured he didn't sleep anyway, might as well do something to help me! Honestly, the cokes didn't make a bit of difference! But it makes a difference to Brandon, and it really isn't good for me, and it IS addictive (hence the headache for 2 days post New Years).
2. No more swearing. (Again, "Don't you judge ME!"). I only have a few choice ones that I would say...nothing vulgar, just the occasional H%$# and D*&%. Still not good. Especially when I have little ears around. Bad Mom.
3. Divulging these dirty little secrets is enough....that's all your getting. I'm sufficiently humiliated into repentance.


Sarah said...

You sure are brave to post your resolutions! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love the baby bag thing. I'll have to check it out so I can replicate the process!

Kate said...

Good for you for giving up caffeine. I tried it and day 4 I couldn't take it anymore, I had to have it. It was one of the worst headaches I've ever had!

I can tell I'm getting old though, because it does affect me if I drink a Coke or Mt. Dew after 3 p.m.

Brianne & Jarod said...

Thanks for posting the crawling was super cute! I wish that we were there to see him in action. He will probably be walking the next time that I see him...

You totally crack me up. Jarod just looks over at me and shakes his head at me as I laugh at the computer...

I have beenr really good about the sugar thing, although today I did have some banana pudding at mommy day...UGH..I just couldn't say no ;)

If you get a chance, read those books I was talking about. I finished book for TWO!