Friday, January 29, 2010

"White Grandma and Popf"

A few weeks ago (it's taken me a long time to get this post done) White Grandma* and Popf* came to visit us! We were all so excited. At first Benson was shy, but as soon as we got home, he was all over "Guh and Popf". He LOVED having Guh read him stories, especially "Gregory the Terrible Eater," and "Go Dogs. Go." First thing he asked every morning was, "Where's Guh and Popf?" He couldn't wait for them to wake up and spend time with them. Benson loved going to the Dollar Store with Guh (and Brynley and I, but he was totally oblivious to us). Guh let him free-range (walk, not ride in the cart) and together they lallygagged down every aisle, filling the cart with whatever he wanted (which surprisingly he had a hard time with at first...he's used to only being allowed one prize). After the Dollar Store we headed to Hobby Lobby, where he rode in Guh's cart and chatted her ears off. When Guh had the tenacity to talk to me for a minute, Benson told me, "Mom, Guh's not talkin' to me." Ha!

After all the shopping trips, Popf thought Benson might need some "Man Time." Together they went to Home Depot (to try and hunt down a sprinkler part for us), Chic-fil-A, and then fixed our dishwasher. Benson LOVED running errands and hanging out with Popf. He also like to blame Popf for breaking his truck (which he really didn't).

One of the days the Leseberg's were here, we let Bay play hookey and we went to The Children's Museum of Houston.

Here's Guh and Bay doing a science experiment.

Brynnie playing the bongos.

Papa playing with one of the exhibits.

Bay and Benz riding a scooter.

Brynnie hanging out in the stroller, in a different outfit. It was all fun and games at the Museum, until Brynnie ran out of diapers, wipes, and spare clothes.

Another day, Papa and Guh took McDonald's and ate lunch with Bailey at her school

Best buddies.

We had so much fun shopping and eating out, too. It was also fun for Guh and Popf to be part of everything and see all the fun and funny things the kids do:
Like, Benson eating as much hot and spicy food as possible. Guh and Popf were very impressed (and proud..since they're both spicy food lovers!).
Like, how fun it is to be in Kindergarten!
Bailey dressed "Tacky" one day because her class was studying about penguins and reading "The Tacky Penguin."

And how big Brynley has gotten. Guh and Popf were quite impressed with her sweet and extremely patient disposition, speedy crawling skills, and sneaky towel thievery. Guh nicknamed her the "TowelaBryn" (get it?lol), because the first thing Bryn does when she goes in the kitchen (whether she's crawling or cruisin' in her walker), is to steal the towel off of the hook and scamper off with it and drop it somewhere. It's pretty funny and annoying. I can never find my towel.

Thanks, Guh and Popf for the great time and great memories! We miss you already!
*Benson refers/differentiates between his two Grandma's as "White Grandma" (Guh Leseberg), and "Black Grandma" (Guh Wallace). Seriously. At first we thought it was because of their hair color. But no. He is all boy. It's because of the colors of their cars. Ha! Only a little boy would think of that. *

1 comment:

Dimmed Spark said...

I know this is sad, but Bay's "tacky" outfit minus the different shoes, I've seen it at the mall.