Sunday, February 21, 2010

the growing goat

I've been meaning for weeks to write a post about how much our Little Goat is growing and changing.
But life happens.
First Benson got really sick with a bad chest cold/cough. And then, Brynley got pneumonia. She has been one sick little goat for the last week.

Although the medicine is helping her body heal (VERY SLOWLY), the side effects are nasty and makes for one sad/fussy/cranky baby. So between breathing treatments and diaper explosions, I haven't had time for much of anything. I'm lucky if I get a shower. And I'm exhausted from worry. Thankfully we have great family that helps. Dinners, babysitting, freezer meals and visits have saved my sanity this past week.

So here's what I was going post about originally:
Right after Guh and Popf left Brynnie finally (at 14 MONTHS! YIKES!) started pulling up to a stand. Within a day, she was cruisin' along the furniture. Her new skills open up a whole new world for her. And her siblings. For some reason, Brynnie is much more fun to play with now that she stands. Maybe she seems like more of a "human" as Bailey says. She's also become a bigger threat to Benson.
oooh...look what I can do now!
Just yesterday she stood solo, and has done several times since!

Her most favorite thing to do is ride her pony that Santa brought her. She will sit on it and
''rock out" to the music, or cruise all around the room. She's very good and very fast. Just like in her walker.
Some of the other notable accomplishments/changes:
*She's up to 19lbs! (oh-so-little still!) She's gained 2lbs in 2 months. The goat milk is helping 'bulk up' and grow.
*She's also sleeping much better now that we've eliminated cows milk and soy from her diet. Both of which she is allergic/sensitive to. It's a challenge, but worth it. She gets excited when I say "goat" because she knows it means a bottle is coming.
*She has outgrown her jumperoo and exersaucer. While she still fits in them, now that she can stand up and walk around she has no interest in playing in them. I guess at almost 15 months she used them much longer than most.
Hopefully soon I will have a post about her walking. Maybe by 18months she'll do it? My sweet little slow-poke.

1 comment:

L3 said...

Such a cute little Goat. Have the feet gotten any bigger? There's no way she can walk with those teeny ones she had last month!