Last Thursday, October 1, we took Benson to have his tonsils, adenoids, and ear tubes removed after a summer and spring full of sickness. It was pretty scary to think of him undergoing surgery again, but we were soon distracted...

The nurses brought a cool wagon for Benson to ride in and a little cocktail of Vercet to help relax him. I wheeled Benson around the Pre Op and before long the Vercet was working. I heard him giggling and looked back to see him smiling and swaying, barely able to sit up. He was laughing hysterically and we had to carry him to the bed. He was talking, but making no sense, and LAUGHING about everything. It was the funniest thing, and helped us all relax. Best of all, it relaxed and sedated Benz enough, that they didn't have to take him away kicking and screaming.
*Will post video later*

Some of us waited more patiently than others.
I wondered how they would get him away from you and into surgery.
Bless you, Vercet! Now, if you could just get some for yourself for SUNDAYS!!
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