Sunday, August 9, 2009

Best Buddies and Best Baby

The Buddies and the Baby.
Bailey and Benson helping make pancakes.
It's sad. Just as Bailey is getting ready to start all day kindergarten, Benson and her have become best buds. They play all day long together, and pretty nicely, most of the time. They've both gotten old enough to play well with each other, for the most part. It's so nice that they play together and entertain each other, and it's so fun to watch and listen too. They are so cute and sweet to one another... Benson telling Bailey to 'come sit my lap' when she was scared of the thunder (she's still a little traumatized by the hurricane!). She 'sat on his lap' and he hugged her and sang to her and told her sweet little things to comfort her, like "Don't woeey, Bubba." (don't worry, Bubba). He's such a tender little boy...
...and she's so sweet to always share with him.

Brynley and Benson have also gotten old enough to play pretty well with each other (for short amounts of time...Benson looses interest pretty quick, since Bryn can't do much). Benson loves that Bryn can sit up now and do more things. He's quite interested in watching her play, helping her play, and laughing at her play (because baby's are just so funny!). Brynley thinks he's quite an interesting creature, too, and loves to laugh at/with Benson! So heartwarming to watch.
(btw: notice Bryn's sitting up now...a new development in the last month.)
Bailey snuck into Bryn's room while she was sleeping and thought she was 'so cute' and I thought so too. She really is the best baby ever.


Amma said...

So glad I finally checked FB to find out that you had posted on your blog! (Any excuse NOT to do what I SHOULD be doing!) Now, I notice I just got an email from JCPenney Portraits so I'm off to check that out! What fun for a rainy afternoon!

Mel Leseberg said...

Thanks, Looli, I just has a Wallace kids fix......

Sarah said...

I saw some chubby thigh rolls on Brynley!