Friday, February 6, 2009

take two

Time flies. Bryn turned 2 months old this week. Good thing she's staying somewhat little. She is 9lbs 13oz, 21.5 inches long, which is the 25%. (The exact same size Bailey was at 2 WEEKS! no joke!). She is the best baby ever. She is so easy going and happy. She's smiling and cooing all the time now (see above picture!), and is really good to be 'dragged around' while we are running every which way. She loves to either be held or be in her carseat, which puts her right to sleep.

Speaking of sleep...she started sleeping through the night 3 weeks ago while we were in Idaho. The trick? Having her sleep in the bed with us. She loves her 'baby sled' (co-sleeper thingy, as seen above). It reminds her of her carseat how it goes around her head, and she snuggles right up to the side of it. She goes to bed with us around 10:30pm and sleeps until 6:30 am. Then she nurses and goes back to sleep until about 9:30! I know, some of you are thinking it's a little unfair that my baby started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks...but my nearly 2 year old still doesn't sleep through the night. You win some, you loose some. :)
This is the infamous "head squisher" carseat. My other neighbor gave this to us. It's a super fancy and expensive Britax carseat that I would definitely pay for if I had to. She LOVES her 'bucket' and her little head stays perfectly in place. It actually inflates/deflates around her head to fit just right. Its actually for 'side impact protection' but does a great job on floppy-headed-goat-necked-ninny-muggins (see the movie "ELF", and Bailey added the "goat neck" part. When we first brought Bryn home, she said, "look at her cute little goat neck!" okay?!)

1 comment:

Kate said...

She's changed SO MUCH!