Here's a video of Bailey's choir performance from December 23, 2008 at Ainsley Courte (nursing home). Pretty cute if you ask me!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
merry christmas!
...and the stockings were hung by the chimney (or guh) with care, in hopes that the ninny soon would be there! (One day in the hospital the nurses brought Bryn to me in this stocking, we put her in it again on Christmas Eve.)
On Christmas Eve we read Luke 2 and reenacted it (Bailey was really excited about this). Guh was the Angel, Brandon the Sheppard, Bailey as Mary, Papa as Joseph, Bryn as the Baby Jesus, Mom as the narrator (Benson was asleep).
Benson got a slide from Santa and a Little People Garage.
We had a great Christmas!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Even with lots of help (My Mom and Dad are still here helping/visiting), three kids keep me really busy. Every time I sit down to update my blog for the last week or so, someone needs something. So here's the last week or so in a nutshell...
(the flash on the camera startled her)
(the flash on the camera startled her)
At her two week check-up (December 18) Bryn had grown an inch, and surpassed her birth weight...6lbs 11oz, 19.75 inches. I think now she's well on her way to 8lbs now. She's really grown...her Newborn clothes are finally fitting, and the preemie clothes a little too small!
ELVIN our Christmas Elf came to visit.
Santa sent us a Magic Elf to visit and check on the kids before the holidays. He was a very mischievous elf, and always showed up in the most peculiar places/situations. We caught him hanging from the ball (used for parking) in the garage, in the candy jar, making reindeer food, playing with toys, sliding down the banister, hanging from a chandelier, buckled up in the car ready to go, etc. It was very fun and entertaining for all. Christmas Eve, Elvin must have given a good report to Santa, because the kids got pretty spoiled. Elvin hitched a ride back on Santa's sleigh and was gone Christmas morning. We hope he comes back for a visit next year. ;)
Nan (Brandon's Grandma) and Aunt B came for a visit.
Bailey showed us her inner Martha Stewart with this amazing Gingerbread house she did. All I did was assemble the shell and put icing where she told me to. It turned out fabulously!

Bailey had several choir performances, and everyone got to attend at least one!
She loves choir and does a great job. It was so cute to see! (I'll post a video soon, hopefully!)
After Bailey's last performance, Guh and Papa took us to Chic-fil-A. Benson discovered the Sports section of the paper and was in heaven with all the "BALLS!" It was so funny, people in the restaurant were even stopping to laugh. He looked just like a little man!
Friday, December 12, 2008
9 days old
Today Bryn is 9 days old. Already I can't imagine life without her, and life before her seems very long ago. She still is only about 6lbs 2oz. We had to take her to the doctor on Tuesday because she had a very green goopy eye (conjunctivitis). We got her some drops and it seems to be clearing up well.
On Wednesday, Guh Leseberg came. We were all so excited to have her come. I was worried that Benson wouldn't be so excited, but Guh brought a "FOOTBALL" with her for him, and they are now best buddies. Benson even snuggles and loves on Guh. (it usually takes him A LONG time to warm up to people) He loves the football and even took it to bed on Wednesday night.
Guh must have brought the cold with SNOWED for several hours on Wednesday.
more snow
The magnitude of the littleness.
Monday, December 8, 2008
bath time
We gave Brynley her first bath at home on Saturday night. She didn't like it too much, as she loves to be burritoed constantly, and nakedness is just to free for her (and cold). She didn't really cry though (she never does).
In grand Leseberg tradition, baby bathing is a spectator sport. They're just so stinking cute!
Good/curious helper. (and fat scary arm)
All freshified and bundled up.
coming home
We came home from Methodist Willowbrook Hospital on Saturday, December 6, 2008.
I was ready to go home. I couldn't get much sleep or rest at the hospital, as I had someone constantly poking or prodding me or asking me questions constantly, even through the night. Except for when I actually needed something, then I couldn't ever find anyone.

I was ready to go first thing Saturday morning, although it took until about lunchtime before they let us out. I was glad to be able to go home, and glad Bryn was cleared to go. (She gave us a scare on Thursday night, choking on spit-up until her lips turned purple! Probably a reaction to the formula they gave her, but she's still really prone to spitting up, but not out. I have to keep her upright for 30 minutes after every feeding. Her bed is also tilted at an angle, and I'm constantly burping her to help her out. Poor little thing!)

I was ready to go first thing Saturday morning, although it took until about lunchtime before they let us out. I was glad to be able to go home, and glad Bryn was cleared to go. (She gave us a scare on Thursday night, choking on spit-up until her lips turned purple! Probably a reaction to the formula they gave her, but she's still really prone to spitting up, but not out. I have to keep her upright for 30 minutes after every feeding. Her bed is also tilted at an angle, and I'm constantly burping her to help her out. Poor little thing!)
The kids were so excited when we got home. Bailey wanted to hold Bryn right away, and much to our surprise, so did someone else...
As soon as Benson saw Bailey hold Bryn, he put his arms out to hold her. Anytime the baby is in the room, he says "Hi, BEBE!". He also likes to 'share' things with her. He's constantly throwing his "ah-ahs" (monkeys) on her, trading binkis, and even sharing his water bottle (we looked over to see him putting the huge water bottle on top of Bryn in the swing!).

He actually liked holding her and didn't want to give her up. The crusty look is because he didn't want his picture taken. (He doesn't want proof that he actually likes "BEBE".)

My life for the next few months/years. Please no comments on how old/tired/scary I look. I don't want proof of the scariness either. But I really do feel pretty good. I'm tired and have a lot of pain, but not as much as I did after I had Benson, and I don't really mind the tiredness. This will be our last baby and I am trying to cherish almost every minute of it. And it feels SO GREAT not to be pregnant anymore!
at the hospital
Temperature control...Bryn kept wiggling her feet and or hands out of her baby burrito. Otherwise she loves to be burritoed and gets frantic when we take her out of it.
Again, the hands wriggled out. They always end up by her face.
It was a lot harder for me to be away from my kids than I thought it would be. I'd never been away from Benson for more than a few hours. I loved when the kids came to visit, and worried about them while they were away.
Siblings of new babies get to put their hand prints on the walls of the Mother/Baby Floor. Bailey got a big kick out of this. Unfortunately, Benson didn't get to do it, I forgot (Bay and Benz usually came to visit at separate times, so it wouldn't be too overwhelming for anyone). Although, I doubt he would have cooperated for it anyway.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
sweet child of mine
She's here!
Brynley Elizabeth Wallace
December 3, 2008
9:02 am
6lbs 9.6oz 18.75 inches
Curly black hair
We're all doing well. Brynley is so tiny and cute. She looks just like her brother and sister did! She's a great baby so far, just doesn't like to wake up to eat.
One quick smooch, and then off to recovery!
Meet the Mama!
Bailey was so excited to see Brynley.
Benson, not so excited.
Peepers! (eyes) She has dark eyebrows and long dark lashes, too!
Monday, December 1, 2008
just a thought
My mom has long said that Sarah (my oldest sister) being born in an Army hospital is what made her join the Army. #3 is going to be born in a Methodist hospital. Should I be worried? ;)
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