Thursday, July 9, 2009

4th of July!

Happy Independence Day!
We celebrated the 4th by hosting a potluck BBQ with our family and neighbors. It was SO much FUN! Everyone brought food to share, we had a bike parade, and we all chipped in and rented a GIANT slip n' slide and our neighbors set up their blow-up water slide, too. Then we ended the night with a BANG from some fireworks.

We decorated bikes and then the kids paraded them around our cul-de-sac. Of course, the little boys (Benson, Gavin, and Ike) kinda played musical bikes, and rode each others and random undecorated ones out of the garage. But they had fun!

Fun or Not Fun?
Benson has decided that swimsuits and sunscreens are the root of all evil and cries and screams when I put them on. He wouldn't even get near the water when he was in his swim suit. As soon as we dressed him in regular clothes, he was more than happy to get wet. What a nut.

Bailey is always ready for some hydro-fun!
Oh, did I mention it was over 100 degrees with the heat index?
So Bryn hung out with Papa indoors...away from the heat and water, and crazy kids!
My little Sunday Patriots!
Not only did they have cute matching outfits to wear on the 4th of July (courtesy of Guh W.), {which I didn't get a picture of, because they were too busy running around with friends/cousins} but they had matching 5th of July (Sunday) outfits for them (Courtesy of Guh L). (Little did she realize! Bailey's dress is from 2 years ago, Benson's shorts from Christmas, and Bryn's outfit was Bailey's...5 yrs ago!)

1 comment:

L3 said...

I would've fought Papa W. for a turn in the house with Bryn. :)
Everyone looks so cute, and I miss you all so much.