"Buddy the Elf, What's your favorite color?"
Ha! Oh, how we LOVE the movie "ELF" this time of year. That's where we got one of Brynnie's nicknames! (Ninny Muggins)
On Christmas Eve we made about 200 cookies for Santa and our family dinner.
The last couple of years, I've 'traditionally' made the spritz/cookie press kind in festive colors.
This year I had some great help with the decorating. And taste testing.
The Best Christmas Pageant. Ever.
Do you see Joseph break-dancing (with no music), in jammies, with a mallet from the bells? (the Joseph costume was a no-go and sent me into flashbacks from Halloween)
How about a Wise-Cow? (Who had to be bribed to the 'stable' with a cookie placed on 'Baby Jesus.')
Soon enough, Christmas morning was here.
Bailey got (among MANY other things): a large stuffed dog, an easel for the budding artist, a 'glow board,' a new dog outfit (for her) for every day of the week, and a camera. *SPOILED*
Yep, we watched, laughed, and took pictures while Brynnie struggled for 5 minutes to crawl over the giant dog lovey. It was too funny.
Benson got TRUCKS! Just about one of every kind, including a Cozy Coupe ride on car (you can barely see the corner of it), and a 'big mack' car carrier. Also notable: a "Benson Leapster," flashlight, cute clothes, and walkie talkies. *SPOILED*
So, there are no pictures of Brynley opening presents (poor third child), because we all thought it would be more enjoyable NOT to wake her for it. She did wake up about half way through and if you play "I Spy," you might see her in this picture playing in the aftermath. Brynley got a musical ride-on pony, a 'bead roller coaster,' clothes, and more clothes. *SPOILED!*

And she was awake in time for Dad's surprising and special presents (a piano) from "Boney Clause." "Boney Clause" came in after all the presents were unwrapped, with a black trash bag over his shoulder full of special presents for each of us that he picked out. By himself. I had no idea! Everyone had to take a turn sitting on "Boney Clause's" lap to get their present. "Boney Clause" said he wanted to give each of us a little something extra for being extra good and patient while he was at school. *CUTE!*
A new keyboard for Bailey.
A truck for Benson.
...and a nap for Mom! (among other things)
It was a truly wonderful, magic, and fun Christmas! We are so grateful for all of our friends and family who bring joy, happiness, and love to our lives. We hope you have a Happy New Year!