Saturday, December 29, 2007

jumping for joy

Bailey and Papa W. supervising the assembly of the trampoline.
Now, Mrs.Santa had bought a trampoline about a month before Christmas, and Mr. Santa and the Elves were on a secret mission to set it up on Christmas Eve so it would be ready for jumping on Christmas morning...adding to the true magic of Christmas. BUT, the trampoline Mrs. Santa got was a big piece of junk and folded in half when the elves put it together! So at about 4:00pm on Christmas Eve, Mr. Santa called Mrs. Santa and informed her of the situation. Now, a trampoline is a big gift for a 4 year old and 9 month old, so Santa didn't get them much else. What was Mrs. Santa to do?? Both Santa's were panic stricken and disappointed because they knew how much Bailey had been begging for a trampoline. Luckily Mrs. Santa is an expert shopper and remembered seeing 'industrial' (aka: twice-as-expensive) trampolines at Sam's Club. Mrs. Santa made it to Sam's Club about 30 minutes before closing on Christmas Eve and made the purchase. (GULP!) Meanwhile, Mr.Santa and the Elves disassembled the worthless trampoline and returned it to Wal-Mart (where they found multiple trampolines had been returned already!). By then it was too dark to assemble it, so Santa left a note to Bailey and Benson explaining that a trampoline is too big to fit on a sleigh unless it's in a box, and the boxes were definitely too big to fit down the chimney, so he left it on the back porch and made a path out of wrapping paper to help find it. So if you see Mrs. Santa with a few more gray hairs (yes, more...meaning there are some already at 26! ugh! thank you Dowding genetics.), you'll know why. Did I mention that during all this Mr. Santa had violent case of stomach flu?

This picture makes it all worth it! Bailey (and Mom, and Dad, and the neighborhood friends) all have soooo much fun on it! And I can sit and watch from my "ninny chair" (recliner) inside!

"Mom, Come see my HIEROGLYPHICS!"
Yes, that is what Bailey hollered to me from the bath-tub on Christmas Day. She had gotten bath crayons for Christmas and made 'hieroglyphics' on the tile. I think she learned it from either Little Einsteins or her Jumpstart computer game, but definitely not from me. I didn't know what hieroglyphics were until I was like 10! Smarty pants!

Believe it or not, this is not his most impressive display of his tongue skills. He always gets shy when the camera comes out. When he's concentrating on something it comes out and is busy. It is so funny and cute to watch. It's the pointiest little (or maybe not so little) tongue I've ever seen!


JackieB said...

Yeah, Benson doesn't look thrilled to be on camera. lol.

Congrats on the trampoline! We will have one, one of these days too. we love them.

Sarah said...

That tongue isn't little, it's positively snake-like!

Kate said...

He has your freaky tongue!

I love the determined look on Bailey's face in the trampoline picture.